I don't know the social implications of posting pull lists...so, since I don't know, I've posted it below and probably just to the left of these words you're reading now. I have never used a pull list until now. Of course, I've never been that serious about collecting until now. You won't see a lot of Super-Hero titles on my list because I'm kind of burned out on super-heroes at the moment. I'm sure they'll make my next pull-list (Hulk, I'm looking at you).
I'm really interested in Pretty Deadly coming out at the end of this month. Sometimes you can just look at a title and know it's going to start out with a strong readership. Pretty Deadly is one of those that's going to do very well right out the gate whereas Rat Queens might have to fight for every eyeball...which seems about right after reading the first book (it's very very good).
a. 2 Grindhouse
b. 2 Hinterkind
c. 1 Mocking Dead
d. 5 Other Dead
e. 2 Ghosted
f. 1 Lazarus
g. 1 Peter Panzerfaust
h. 10 Pretty Deadly
I. 2 Rat Queens
J. 1 Reality Check
k. 1 Sex Criminals
l. 1 Three
m. 1 Walking Dead
n. 1 Zero
o. 5 Farlaine The Goblin
p. 1 Mythopolis
q. 5 Outliers
r. 1 Six-Gun Gorilla
/----end of list----/
What do you think? Am I missing anything? Going overboard on anything?
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