Last night I spot-tested some grabs not really knowing a lot about what I was buying. But, I saw some nudity in boxes so I thought..."What the hay? I like nudity!" So, $72 lighter and about 80 books heavier (because I haggled as best I could "I have $72 in my pocket right now") I headed home to investigate what I'd found. Now, I'm not a complete moron (transformation not yet complete) so I knew that in a few months - these boxes would in the $.50 bin. Now, probably, with good reason since I broke up a lot of sets (which I will contemplate at length later on).
If you go to My Collection on ComicBookRealm.com, you can see both days pulls listed as '9-27-2013' and '9-28-2013' respectively.
The "value" of the books (according to CBR) for 9-27-2013 is: $306.00 (but does not include a few books that aren't yet listed on CBR) which cost me $72.50 (I picked up some Walking Dead back issues at cover). He gave me a 10% discount on the box pulls so each comic cost me $.97 each with tax. The "value" of the books (according to CBR) for 9-28-2013 is: $257.50 (again, doesn't cover some books that are not yet listed on CBR) which cost me $62.64. I interrupted his lunch to ring me up so I didn't ask for a discount today. Each book cost me $1.08 with tax.
Truth be told, I felt kinda like a dick for breaking the sets the way I did. I'm considering taking the books back that I have no intention of keeping and seeing if he'd like them back so he can put the sets together. Then I'll just buy the remaining books for the sets I want to keep. Opinions are appreciated. Also, please keep in mind that I'm just getting back into collecting after taking a 15 year hiatus...but I can take the heat if you want to flame me. I'm really a dick - I just get in an all-about-me mode sometimes and then think about it later.
Anyway, I did find some obscure variants and previews. Basically, a decent handful of $10 - $15 books and a few $20+ books....then a bunch of cover price or barely north of cover books that didn't excite me. However, I can go back and pull the other books from the lower value series' and make sets - but at $1 a book it's probably not just a lot of busy work if I intend to sell them.
What's my point? I don't know. Writing it out helps me figure it out, I suppose. Okay, now I've got to organize stuff so I don't get a rolling pin upside the head when my girlfriend gets home from work.
Take care,